Author: Caroline @ Love & Loathing LA (Caroline @ Love & Loathing LA )

Home / Caroline @ Love & Loathing LA

Gas. Break. Breathe.

Yeah yeah yeah traffic. It’s clearly one of the first things people think of when they think “Los Angeles”. I get it, I had some pretty bad experiences driving to and from LA when I was in college, but it’s weird the shift I’ve made in attitude towards the whole debacle since moving here. Maybe...



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An LA Sunday: Malibu Style.

  There’s more to Malibu than its stunning beaches, expensive restaurants, and rows of houses that make you want to cry. It’s actually a pretty great place to go for those of us on a budget for the sole purpose of being outdoors and not to mention engaging in some FREE activities. You may have...


The LA Love/Hate Factor

“I love LA” with enthusiasm are words not often exclaimed (or worn), and you can imagine it’s particularly shocking when they’re said by someone who doesn’t actually live in LA. It happens, but not as often as the people who live in and understand this city think it should. So why is that? What is...


Here Goes Nothin

So I’m a twenty something California girl trying to make her way in this big scary world living in the city of Angels… Heard this one before? I know, I have too. Ugh, I’ve seen this movie, read this story, even watching this show on Bravo. Well if you must know I’m a recently liberated ex...